Wednesday, October 17, 2012

GNP Trip Day 2

In the morning we woke up and began our hike to the head of Glenn's Lake, which was about 7 miles away.  Within 5 minutes of hiking, we had to cross a pretty interesting foot-bridge across the river.

From there the trail headed basically straight west through a sparse forest.  The trail climbed a few hundred feet and we hiked along the crest of the hill for about a mile.  Then we turned NW into a very thick forest where we encountered this off trail waterfall.

  Continuing along the trail, we encountered our first glimpse of Glenn's Lake.

 Not much farther along, we arrived at the campsite.  We made camp and since it was before noon still, we decided to day hike up Stony Indian pass.  We packed some water and food into our day packs and took off.  The trail to Stony Indian Pass was very beautiful, it climbed in elevation drastically so naturally there was a lot of water run off coming down.  Some pretty nice hydro-logic features were up there. 

We didn't make it all the way up to Stony Indian Pass, which is too bad because I have heard from many people that it is the most beautiful backcountry campsite in Glacier. 

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